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Hi. You do some crazy things to feel better.
Truth is, you already have everything you need, and you know it. I’m Pat Novak, I show you where to find it.
Your ego is going to hate this.
“The more comfortable we are with our feelings…the more comfortable we are with ourselves.”
Most of us spend so much time in our heads, when a genuine feeling comes up, we panic.
“What am I feeling?”
“What am I suppose to do with this?”
If it’s an uncomfortable feeling, we just want to make it go away as quickly as possible.
Instead of getting curious about our feelings and looking deeper.
Your ego, on the other hand, doesn’t want you looking any deeper. It likes to keep you in the shallow waters.
It wants to keep you from your true power. It wants you to need other people’s acceptance and praise. Rather than your own self-acceptance. It wants you to present an idealized image of yourself rather than an authentic self.
You never get to be real via the ego.
Your true self and talents lie in the deeper waters. To get to the real you is a journey of feeling and depth. It takes courage and a willingness to call on magical powers you didn’t realize you had access to.
Intuitive Transformational Therapy opens up your inner world. A world of Dominion instead of Domination.
A world which is your friend and not your enemy.
We’re not against your ego. You need an ego. You need to learn how to evolve your ego. Then it can serve you as it was meant to. Not be your master.
The main key is feeling your Feelings.
When you stop being afraid of the process and begin understanding how each element connects. You can use the tools you have learned to move forward in your life.
This is what Intuitive Transformational Therapy™ gives you.
The tools and deep understanding to create lasting change and happiness.