Pat Novak. Intuitive.

Look Deeper. Feel More.


pat novak i n t u i t i v e . t h e r a p y
b y . a p p o i n t m e n t . o n l y
t e l . 2 1 4 8923434

Single Session: One on one focused one-hour session. I want to hear your story. Why you need to talk with me.

“The patient who comes to us has a story that needs to be told, and which as a rule no one knows of. We need to disclose our story to someone who cares.”— Carl Jung

While you share, I’m listening to your words, but I am also looking at your energy. I look to see what guides you have around you. I find which personas are in control and running your life. I connect with your emotional body and see your relationship with it.  I connect with your Higher Self and very importantly, I look to see how much your ego is in control. This isn’t about critiquing, it is about getting honest. Which is crucial. To understand the energetic, mental, emotional and physical world you live in.

Once you understand your own personal environment, you begin to gain clarity and know where to turn and how to listen to your own true intuition. It is an amazing introduction to integration and transformation!

One session: $300

Monthly – Four single sessions: This is our committed program. With commitment, we can go deeper and open up to your unique inner world. The more time together sets up an energy which helps your guides know when will be there with me. With that, you will get more comfortable with that higher energy and learn how to work with them and your own psyche. Highly recommended! Usually, I will ask for a six-month commitment, depending on our initial assessment together.

Monthly – Four single sessions each month: $1000

Email: to set-up an initial one-time session. This is a time to share and see if we are a good fit. Either way, you will gain valuable information about your personal situation. I look forward to hearing from you!

Payment made via online payment method invoice prior to each single session and first monthly session.